Uniform Information


School Uniform


We feel that uniform helps to match the expectations and standards we want to set. It also provides a sense of belonging. In supporting us to raise the self-image of the school, uniform can help greatly. We strongly urge parents to support us in the wearing of uniform as it helps to demonstrate your commitment to setting and maintaining high standards.




  • Navy school sweatshirt (available from School Trends - details below)
  • White short-sleeved ‘polo’ shirt
  • Black/grey/navy trousers



  • Navy school sweatshirt/cardigan (available from School Trends - details below)
  • White short-sleeved ‘polo’ shirt
  • Grey/navy skirt/trousers/pinafore 
  • Summer: navy and white gingham dress (optional)


In both cases, sensible footwear should be worn.  Trainers are neither suitable nor acceptable for daily school wear.


Games clothing

  • White ‘polo’ or T-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • White socks
  • Black plimsolls/trainers will also be required for PE lessons


Where to Purchase Uniform


With the exception of the school sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo, all uniform can be purchased from any retailer, including supermarkets. 


Online Sales of Logo-ed School Uniform

You can order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by following the link:




There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. Alternatively visit www.schooltrends.co.uk then select ‘Find My School’ and follow the order instructions.


Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.