Attendance & Absence Procedures



At Tredworth Junior School we expect pupils to attend every day that the school is open unless a reason acceptable to the school is given and we are able to authorise the absence.


SCHOOL DAY – the School Day starts at 8.45am. The school opens at 8.40am and your child's learning starts at 8.45am sharp.  Lateness impacts on your child's education. If your child is late on any occasion, please report to the School Office to ensure your child is signed into school and any dinner requests are dealt with.  Lessons finish at 3.15pm.


REPORTING ABSENCE – please ring the School Office on 01452 524578 by 9.15am to report any absences. If your child has an appointment during the morning and they would like a school dinner, please ring the office to select a dinner for your child before 9.30 am.


Attendance 2023/24

Term 1 - 93.2%

Term 2 - 92.7%

Term 3 - 92.7%

Term 4 - 92.5%

Term 5 - 92.3%


Attendance in Previous Years

Attendance for 2016/17 – 94%

Attendance for 2017/18 - 94.2%

Attendance for 2018/19 - 93.8%

Attendance for September 2019 - March 2020 - 94.4% (Covid-19 pandemic)

Attendance for 2020/21 - 93.7%

Attendance for 2021/22 - 91.5%

Attendance for 2022/23 - 91.6%


School Avoidance Advice

NHS Guidance: Is my child too ill for school?


Please follow this like for advice from the NHS about whether your child should or should not attend school

Children's Coughs Guidance

Department for Education Attendance Guidance for Parents

Attendance Presentation

Absence Protocols

REPORTING ABSENCE – please ring the School Office on 01452 524578 by 9.30am to report any absences. If your child has an appointment during the morning and they would like a school dinner, please ring the office to select a dinner for your child before 9.30 am.

Requesting a Leave of Absence


It is only possible for the Headteacher to grant a leave of absence for a pupil in exceptional circumstances. If you would like to request a leave of absence, please fill out the form and return it to the school office or via email to