How will our school involve young people with SEND in their education?
Children with SEND are involved in their education through a variety of ways including:
- Involvement in their Individual Learning Plans (My Plan and My Plan +) - the children are involved in the setting and reviewing of goals. Through their learning plans, they also detail their personal views on what makes them happy and how they like to be supported.
- Assessment for Learning involves promoting an understanding of goals and criteria, helping learners know how to improve and a child’s own involvement in self- assessment. This ensures greater involvement of all children in their own education.
- Pupil interviews / questionnaires are used with children to obtain views for example during a recent study on ‘Reading for Pleasure’, the views of children were seen as a significant contribution to any initiatives that we decide to put into place. Children’s views are also obtained around areas such as anti-bullying and we ensure that we analyse the views of SEND pupils as a group particularly vulnerable to bullying.
- Pupils will contribute to their Structured Conversations as teachers will gain their views prior to speaking to their parents. Parents and carers may also present their child’s views during these conversations.
- Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan contribute to their reviews through a discussion carried out before the review and their views being represented at the meeting and also through attendance at the review where appropriate.