Headteacher's Blog
03 October 2024
Dear all
We are four weeks into our first term and all children have settled extremely well.
I’m writing to thank you for your response to our new opening time and start time. The vast majority of pupils are arriving and entering ready to start studies at 8.45 am.
I’ve been asked by a few parents to clarify these opening and starting times so here goes:
- Gates to the school open at 8.35 am with senior members of staff on duty
- Doors to the school open between 8.40 am and 8.45 am
- Registration / initial learning starts at 8.45 am
As you know, there is rightly a huge national focus on attendance and punctuality. Please help your children to get off to the best start by being on time.
Could I ask that parents do not pull over in cars either on the main Tredworth Road or or High Street to let children out. We have had numerous near misses with oncoming cars not being seen or pupils actually trapped between cars. Please also park responsibly in neighbouring streets and not block the driveways of residents.
Finally, a reminder that we are a no nuts school as we have children with severe allergies. Please check ingredients carefully.
Many thanks,
Mr Darby
09 September 2024
Hello everyone.
A big “welcome” to new Y3 parents and children and great to see the return of our existing parents and pupils.
The school has settled really well and it’s almost as though we’ve never been away!
It makes such a difference to see them all so incredibly smart in their uniforms. A massive “thank you” to all of you.
Our biggest change on return is our new start time. This means that children should be in class ready to learn by 8.45. This has been a great start and we will make sure gates are open by 8.35 and the doors by 8.40.
Please help us to get a flying start to the day.
We have a whole school trip free of charge for all pupils next week . Please make sure you return the permission slip.
Y6 residential will take place 14th - 16th of October with clubs starting soon. Keep an eye on the website for updates.
Here’s to a great year!
Andrew Darby
19 December 2024
As I sit down after serving the last Xmas lunch with the sound of our/your amazing children singing Xmas songs still ringing in my ears, I feel truly privileged.
There has been a huge amount going on this term that adds to what we do inside the classroom and it's wonderful post covid to see this gradually returning.
Many thanks to all of you who attended the carol concerts yesterday. Your enthusiasm made it really special for the children.
Finally have a great break, stay well, stay safe and see you in the new year!
Andrew Darby
24 May 2023
I’m writing this after spending a fantastic lunchtime out on the playground in the sun.
We often focus upon learning in our newsletter and our website and you can see lots of learning and exciting things going on. However, the strength of the school is in the children and who they are as people. On the evidence of this lunchtime we are very fortunate indeed. Attitudes were first class. Children enjoying their play, helping each other and making friendships. Have a super half term and long may the sunshine continue!
Andrew Darby
14 December 2022
Just a short message to say a massive “thank you” as ever for all of your support.
It’s been a strange end to the term in many ways as we have had to postpone our production. This is because it is currently unsafe to get pupils to the theatre and back due to the ice and snow . However the great news is that we will able to put on the production during our second week back in January. Also, our Y5 pupils who missed their panto slot will now be going on Jan 6th.
Yesterday's Christmas lunch was fantastic. Thank you for sending them in their fabulous Xmas jumpers and outfits. There was a lovely atmosphere and the meal was delicious so a big thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff.
Have a great Christmas break, stay safe and see you in the new year.
Andrew Darby
15 November 2022
Hello everyone,
It’s only been a little while since the last blog but what a lot of things have happened even in a short while!
Thanks again for your support in the structured conversations/ parent consultations which took place before half term. As I write, our progress and support meetings are taking place and all staff are now using the information gained from these parent consultation meetings with you to ensure that your child has the focus and support they need.
It has been a joy to see us return to some sort of normality in providing additional opportunities again. We have had a Y4 trip to Slimbridge followed by a visit to the cinema. Y3 have now all been to the St James City Farm. If you haven’t visited the city farm I urge you to do so as it’s a great local resource and we’re really lucky to have it. A number of Y6 students had the opportunity to record their biographies of black musicians at local radio station GFM 96.6. Perhaps you heard these biographies playing during October? Last week we took some of our Y5 pupils to Ribston Hall High School for a coding workshop. Needless to say, our children were a total credit to Tredworth Junior School. Next month sees a Y5 science workshop at Sir Thomas Rich's High School, another cinema trip and of course our Christmas production "Christmas on Treasure Island."
Our after school provision for each individual year group began last week. Our netball team are enjoying their weekly training and are having a successful season so far. Pupils are also hard at work rehearsing for our Christmas production and it’s great to hear the sounds of music around the school.
This Friday sees Children In Need return. This will be a non uniform day and if your children wish to bring a small donation that would be great.
Thanks once again for all of your amazing support.
Andrew Darby
14 October 2022
Hi all,
As we approach half term I can’t quite believe that time has passed so quickly.
I wanted to say a huge “Thank you” for your attendance and input at our structured conversation/ parent meetings. Staff have found you insights and willingness to be involved in your children’s learning fantastic.
All teachers will use the conversations to work with appropriate senior staff to put together your child’s specific plan and targets to ensure that they continue to make progress and that we meet their needs.
On a different note, it has been inspiring to see some of our pupils rehearsing for our Christmas production . Their confidence and talent is a joy to witness!
Thank you for continuing to focus upon attendance, and in particular being on time, alongside ensuring your child brings a healthy snack. All of these elements ensure that they are ready and able to learn.
Have a great break and thanks for helping us to make the difference.
Andrew Darby
12 September 2022
I would first like to welcome you back, or for some of you a first welcome to the school.
Before I focus upon school related matters I would like to reflect upon the passing of our beloved Monarch, Queen Elizabeth. As you will be aware, like many schools we had a major focus upon her life and many achievements leading up to the Jubilee and she is and always will be regarded as an incredible role model not only as our Monarch but as a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. We all share in the collective grief of the nation.
Although there was a reflection by teachers in classes and by myself in the lower school assembly on Friday afternoon, this is an event of such gravity that it requires careful consideration and not a surface response. As a school, at some point this week we will be using the materials that we have put together to ensure that we focus in our classes, collective assemblies and individual reflections not only on the funeral but also on a reminder of an incredible life as well as upon our new King Charles the Third. We wish to do this as sensitively as possible as we lead up to the funeral and national day of mourning on 19 September.
As a mark of respect, the school will be closed on Monday 19 September.
On a more school-based note, your children have started incredibly well for which I thank you . They look very smart and for our Y3 pupils it is as though they have always been here.
We will be informing you soon of key dates, for example structured conversations (parents meetings), clubs etc .
We are focussing particularly upon attendance and punctuality as time missed is crucial to learning. As a reminder, school begins at 9am but pupils can enter the school from 8.45am.
We will also continue to focus upon healthy lifestyles and eating and would point you towards our guidelines, in particular in terms of breaktime snacks.
If you require any help or support please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Andrew Darby
19 July 2022
I write today on the hottest day of this or indeed any year!
As I look at your children it is business as usual even this close to the end of term. That means that learning is still going on and pupils still continue to maintain their high standards of politeness, care and support for each other. This is a key element of what makes our school a great place to learn.
By the time you see this I will have attended the final Y6 assembly where they will revisit some of the great things that they have done here. They will be singing together and of course looking at photographs of themselves at the very start of their journey.
As I look at them in Y6 I’m incredibly proud of the way in which they and the rest of your children have met the challenges and disruptions over the last two years. Our aim is to ensure that we build resilience educationally and emotionally to give them the best opportunity to be the best they can be. You are a major factor in this journey and I can’t thank you enough for your support. I would also like to say a massive “thank you” to my amazing staff who go above and beyond.
I wish you all a relaxing, happy and safe summer break, and particularly to pupils and parents who will be leaving for the last time on Wednesday.
All the very best. Remember, you will always be part of the Tredworth family.
Andrew Darby
03 March 2022
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to term 4. I can’t believe we have already reached the half way point in our academic year!
It’s particularly great to be writing to you today on World Book Day. I’ve visited every class and as always am amazed at the variety of ingenious costumes and approaches.
I’ve spoken to virtually the whole cast of "Harry Potter," a few of whom have tried various spells, although as yet none have worked! I've served dinner to Alice in Wonderland, Gangsta Granny, Dennis the Menace, Matilda, BFG…. The list goes on. We will post some photos on the website.
As always, regardless of what happens outside, you as parents always manage to support the school and help us to provide the very best for your children. It’s been inspiring.
I wrote to you last week with an update regarding Covid safety. I also indicated that we are moving forward with our plans to set up and extend our range of additional activities. This will go beyond sport and we will offer something to every child in every year group, hopefully capturing some of the things your children say they would like. We had these plans ready to go in Summer 2020 but… well, you know what happened. We are hoping to begin this programme in 3 weeks time and will keep you updated as we go. At the moment our football and netball teams are back in action.
Please continue to support us by getting children here on time and ensuring they have what they need in terms of kit etc. Please also ensure that if you are dropping children off by car it does not cause an obstruction on Tredworth Road or the High Street. We have had some very near misses recently.
Finally, as always, a massive “thank you” for your support in helping us make the difference.
Andrew Darby
09 September 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back after what I hope has been an enjoyable and safe summer holiday. As usual children have been fantastic on their return and slipping into routines straight away. Our new Year 3 pupils seem as though they have always been here and both look and behave brilliantly. They are a true credit to you.
Regarding routines I would remind you that learning in school begins at 9am. Our gates are open at 8.45am and children can go straight to class. Please ensure that they are here on time as it can be challenging and embarrassing for some children to join a class when a lesson has already started.
The school day ends at 3.10pm for all pupils. At the end of the school day classes are now situated at specific points around the playground for collection. Thank you for slipping into this new routine so rapidly and helping us to keep your children and other adults safe by reducing contact.
You will be aware from the new Covid information that some of the requirements for schools have been relaxed. However, as I indicated in my communication in the Summer term, we are committed to being as safe as possible and as such we are continuing with many of the measures from last academic year.
There are no class “bubbles” but we are still keeping year groups distinct and apart from others as far as possible. This means that break times and lunches in halls are still in year groups.
We still insist upon orderly movement and keeping appropriate distance around the school. All classes and areas have to be well ventilated. Hand hygiene is still maintained throughout the day alongside strict cleaning protocols.
Despite being told that whole school assemblies are now allowed we will not be doing this as our hall spaces are limited and we currently have 291 pupils in school. Gathering will be year group based and time limited.
All other measures are detailed on the current Risk Assessment which is on the school website.
With this letter is an update for you from Sarah Scott, Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Public Health. It details for you the changes to reporting, testing, tracking and managing any Covid related infections. Please read this carefully and if you have any queries, please contact us.
Once again “Thank You” for a great start to the year and for all the support you give us.
July 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
I cannot quite believe I am writing this blog for the last time in this academic year.
It has been a year like no other and has presented challenges unprecedented in all of our collective experiences.
The level of safety precautions we have all had to put in place has had an impact upon the nature of access to the curriculum in school in that how we share experiences and access services and activities outside of school has changed. The need to be able to move to remote learning in the event of an outbreak has led to different approaches to our learning. However, your children have responded magnificently and made amazing progress.
It would be easy to dwell upon the negatives of these situations, but many of these enforced changes have made us look at things in a different way and actually make improvements as a result.
We are now much more geared towards accessing learning for you and your child(ren) through technology. We now have greater access to you as parents and carers through this technology and you have interacted with us superbly. Lunchtimes in smaller groups give children a better experience and our transition from our feeder infant schools has been longer and more effective.
As I write this the announcement that there will be a relaxing of the restrictions comes as a welcome relief and we can begin to return to the sort of holistic access to the curriculum that allows pupils to mix and extend their experiences and relationships.
However, please be reassured that we will still continue to apply the same high level of care in accordance with guidelines for you and your children.
For those of you with children in Y6 where this is your final year as a parent at our school I say a sad farewell and a thank you. Your children are a true credit. I wish you well.
For those of you who will be with us in September I cannot wait to continue the fantastic journey with your children and ensure we do everything to make their time here a happy, safe and productive one.
Finally, on behalf of all staff a massive “Thank you”. We take it as a given that you, as parents, offer us amazing support. However, your respect for the processes we have had to put in place and your patience when we have had to send pupil groups home to isolate has been incredible.
I wish you all a happy and safe summer break and look forward to seeing most of you in September.
Andrew Darby
March 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
I just wanted to say a massive welcome back and “thank you” for a great return to school.
Your children have been incredible and it has been a joy to see them all enjoying their friends, engaging in their lessons and feeling happy and safe.
You have also been fantastic. Thank you for the way in which you have followed the timings and continued to maintain social distancing and the wearing of masks on the playground and inside the school. Ultimately these are the measures, alongside what we do during the day, that are going to keep us all safe and ensure as little disruption as possible.
I would also remind you that the timings of the day in terms of start and finish alter from Monday 15 March 2021. As you know this has been flexible this week to allow you and your children to adjust and where needed make alternative arrangements.
From Monday 15 March 2021, as we indicated in our letter to you, we will expect all pupils in by 9.00am as usual.
Children may enter the school from 8.45am and go directly to class. I would ask that you drop them at the gate, either High Street or Tredworth Road and move on as quickly as possible to reduce numbers on the playground. If you need to pass on a message, senior staff will be available for you to approach or you can call reception if needed.
The majority of children have been in by 9.00am this week which is great. We have a very small number of pupils coming in beyond 9.15am, this is not acceptable. We need all pupils in by 9.00am so that lessons can begin for all pupils on time. We have a lot of ground to make up!
The infant school is maintaining opening up to 9.10am so there is time to come here first if needed and still make the infant school in time.
Pick up times for your children are as follows:
Year 3 and Year 4 - 3.00pm
Year 5 and Year 6 - 3.10pm
Once again many thanks, keep safe.
Andrew Darby
School will closed on Tuesday 5 January 2021
Following the government announcement, school will be closed on Tuesday 5 January 2021 while we look at provision. Please call the school if you are a key worker to book a place for your child/children for Wednesday.
Parents/carers who fulfil the criteria as a key worker are:
- Health and Social Care
- Education and Child Care
- Local/National Government who are involved in delivering the coronavirus response or essential public services
- Food distribution and other necessary goods
- Public safety and national security
- Transport and border
- Utilities, communication and financial services
School will contact parents of vulnerable pupils.
January 2021
Dear all
Happy New Year.
I hope you all enjoyed the festive period and are well.
School is open as usual on Tuesday the 5th January 2021 and we look forward to seeing you all. Please keep to the starting and leaving times for lower and upper school to reduce contact as much as possible on the playground. Please maintain social distancing and where possible wear a mask.
Best wishes
Andrew Darby
October 2020
Hello everyone
I hope this finds you and your families healthy and well as we begin the run up to a well-deserved rest for your children and the staff.
When we returned in September we all faced a situation that is uncharted, both professionally and personally.
As you are aware the health and safety measures we have put in are extremely comprehensive and require everyone to stick to them. Your children have been amazing and have adapted brilliantly.
Our new Year 3 pupils have settled incredibly well.
I would particularly like to thank you all as parents and carers for carefully adhering so specifically to our new staggered entry and exit times and in the way you have all dealt with queries through the admin as asked.
We now need to be extra vigilant and not assume that what we are doing is job done. We will continue to ensure we have the safety of all of our Tredworth “family” as our highest priority, but there will undoubtedly be new challenges to face along the way.
I know that we will face them together as we always have in the manner that makes Tredworth Juniors the fantastic school it is.
Andrew Darby