KS2 Results 2018
KS2 Results 2018
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading 69%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading 9%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing 75%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment Writing 5%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Mathematics 78%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Mathematics 18%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in EGPS 78%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in EGPS 23%
Average scaled scores
Reading 103
Writing NA
Mathematics 103.6
Average progress scaled scores
Reading -3.4
Writing -2.49
Mathematics -1.69
National Floor standard
Reading -5
Writing -7
Mathematics -5
Pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined 66%