How does Tredworth Junior School know/identify that children have special educational needs (SEN)?


At Tredworth Junior School we are aware that any child who joins our school may have had their special educational needs already identified and that some may not.


For children moving to our school, we talk to the parents and also with the pupil’s previous school to find out about any existing special educational needs that are going to require additional support or provision.


For those children whose needs have not already been identified, we identify that they may need additional support through:


  • Regularly checking a pupil’s progress. If the rate of progress is inadequate and cause for concern then a pupil’s specific needs are identified and provision is planned.


  • Concerns being raised by parents / carers, teachers or the children themselves.


  • Identifying a change in the pupil’s behaviour or progress.


The Code of Practice describes four areas of special educational needs and provision:


1. Communication and interaction;


2. Cognition and learning;


3. Social, emotional and mental health;


4. Sensory and / or physical.


As a school, we utilise the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle set out in the Code of Practice which encourages a graduated approach involving increasingly focused support, frequent reviews and the introduction of more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to children's specific special educational needs. 


In order to meet the needs of SEND pupils, we regularly undertake a cycle of provision management involving assess, plan, do and review.


Assess - a detailed assessment of a pupil's needs is made using a range of information from a variety of professionals through observations, assessment, analysis of attainment and progress, talking to pupils, parents (during Structured Conversations or other meetings) and other professionals. 


Plan - through regular Progress and Support Meetings (PSM), a plan for support and intervention is agreed by all relevant parties and targets are set.  PSM involve the child's class teacher, the SENCo and the Pastoral Support Manager. 


Do - the programme of support and intervention is implemented


Review - the impact of the support and intervention is reviewed and the cycle begins again.