Physical Education

Physical Education


P.E has been broken down into six key areas with specific skills to teach in each area, these areas are then progressed through the year groups.


The five skills are:

  • Acquiring and developing skills
  • Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas
  • Evaluating and improving performance
  • Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health
  • Working with others


P.E. is taught through a variety of areas/topics, including:

  • Games – Tag Rugby, Football, Netball, Hockey, Basketball, Tennis, Rounders, Kwik Cricket, Tri-Golf and Parachute Games
  • Dance – linked through theme – interpretive dance and Zumba
  • Gymnastics – including Yoga
  • Swimming – All children
  • Athletics – including circuit training, Speed, Agility and Quickness training, and Boxercise
  • Outdoor and Adventurous – Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Skiing and a residential outdoor and adventurous experience in Year 6.


Through our teaching of P.E. we aim to:

  • Stimulate and maintain pupils’ interest and enjoyment; engaging all pupils in physical activity.
  • Encourage pupils to lead active and healthy lifestyles by developing knowledge of the effect sport has on the human body.
  • Enable pupils to develop a range of skills relating to physical activity and to challenge them in applying these skills.
  • Enable pupils to be creative, competitive and cooperative in physical education by providing them with challenging activities.


Through P.E we can also:

  • Improve pupils’ skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT
  • Develop pupils’ thinking skills
  • Promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of gender, cultural, spiritual and moral issues
  • Develop pupils as active citizens



  • Spiritual: inner self, keeping fit and physical development
  • Moral: competitive activities – respecting others and their achievements
  • Social: working partners and groups co-operation within the lesson
  • Cultural: Equal opportunity