Modern Foreign Languages

Our MFL learning is delivered through French. Some aspects of our language learning are within our Learning Journey however most is taught discretely through the use of CGP Salut!


In MFL our focus skills are:


  • To listen attentively
  • To speak confidently
  • To read fluently
  • To write imaginatively


Through our teaching of French we aim to:

  • Inspire children to be excited about modern foreign languages
  • Increase their understanding of other countries and the cultures of those countries
  • Encourage children to attempt speaking through questioning and games
  • Increase children’s confidence in their ability to listen and respond in another language
  • Understand grammatical structure and sentence construction


Through French we can also:

  • Improve aspects of English such as speaking and listening
  • Improve Mathematics when counting, using money and saying the date
  • Develop multi-cultural work through international links and storytelling
  • Improve ICT skills through e-mail and satellite television
  • Expand geographical and historical knowledge relating to other countries