How will our school include parents and students in planning support?

All parents will be invited to a Structured Conversation at least twice a year. During these meetings, the class teacher will share your child’s ‘My Plan’ and 'My Plan Review' with you and will work together with you to plan support. This will take into account the extremely valuable information that you can provide regarding your child’s strengths and difficulties. We will share the targets that have been set for your child in school and also the provision that is in place to support your child in achieving these targets. We will also discuss what the child could do at home to support them.


Your child will be involved in the setting and reviewing of their targets during an ongoing process. Their views will be obtained and will contribute to this process. Through interviews or questionnaires we will also obtain their views on a range of provision, for example through obtaining their views on specific interventions or on how they feel they would like to be supported to achieve a target.


For those children with a My Plan Plus or EHCP, parents will be invited to the review meetings together with the class teacher and any professionals working with the child.  During these review meetings, outcomes will be reviewed and new outcomes and provision planned and agreed as a 'Team around the Child' approach.