Adult Education

Tredworth Junior School sees itself as a hub of the community.  While rising numbers mean that we no longer have space to offer Adult Education courses in the school, we aim to continue to engage learners beyond the age barriers of the school to help our families to gain new skills or improve on existing expertise.  We hope that by gaining certificates and accreditation this will allow them to gain further qualifications and employment.  We do this by signposting adult education opportunities from Gloucestershire County Council Adult Education and other accredited providers. 


We signpost course opportunities to our families when we receive them.


Information about Adult Education in Gloucestershire and their course offerings can be found at


Current courses include:


English for beginners – ESOL Entry 3:  This course for adults with little or no English is offered by Adult Education and will take place at Bartongate Children’s Centre, Sinope Street, GL1 4AW on Fridays (8.45 – 9.30 am) or at Adult Education in Gloucestershire, 4-6 Commercial Road, GL1 2EA on Fridays (10 – 11.30 am).  For more information telephone 07500 066231 or 0800 5421655 or visit



    Gloucester College provide a JobSmart Programme for unemployed people, those looking for a career change or people who have been made redundant.  They offer a wide range of courses that can give you the skills and confidence to get the job you want. Courses include Confidence for Work, Computer Confidence, Digital Skills for Job Seekers, Interview Skills and more. 


    Courses can be taught online and on campus by industry experts, with personalised support available every step of the way.


    These courses are free of charge to those aged 19+ in receipt of certain benefits, or working and earning less than £18,525 annual gross salary. 


    For more information and for a list of courses, visit

    Gloucestershire College are offering Skills Bootcamps in Construction and Digital Marketing with free training, a guaranteed interview and a chance to change your future.  


    For more information contact or go to 



    Gloucester College Adult Learning Courses December 2024