Most PHSCE is embedded within the Learning Journey however some PHSCE learning is taught discreetly throughout the school year or may be delivered as part of an assembly. There are also occasions where teachers may feel in necessary to teach PHSCE as a result of an issue that has arisen in their own class.
As a school we also celebrate PHSCE focus days and weeks such as Anti-Bullying day or Safety week.
Our PHSCE curriculum follows the national curriculum guidelines through the use of the PHSCE Association Programme of Study but also uses the PINK Curriculum by Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning (GHLL)
The main areas of learning in PHSCE are:
Relationships – Families, Friends, Respect in Relationships, Anti-Bullying, Online Relationships
Living in the Wider World – Being Safe, Resilience, Finance and Careers, British Values and Citizenship
Health and Well Being – Physical Health and Fitness, All about Me, Basic First Aid, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, Healthy Eating, Health and Illness, Mental Well Being, Media, Changing Bodies
In year 6, pupils are also taught the process of reproduction and birth as part of the human life-cycle. Parents are informed prior to these sessions and have a right to withdraw their children from the sessions (See RSE policy or I can statements for further information)
Through our teaching of PSHCE we aim to:
- Promote the ethos and aims of the school
- Promote healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene
- Encourage pupils to grow into good citizens
- Promote a positive self-image of each child
- Encourage pupils to develop confidence in forming positive social relationships
- Teach pupils to:
- Respect others feelings, values and beliefs (equality)
- Keep themselves and others safe
- Show initiative, take responsibility and develop independence
- Have a moral awareness of right and wrong
- Appreciate and develop their own cultural traditions and those of other cultures
Through PSHCE we can also:
- Improve pupils’ skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT
- Develop pupils’ thinking skills
- Develop pupils communication skills
- Promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of gender, cultural, spiritual and moral issues
- Develop pupils as active citizens