How does our school ensure that the information about a child's SEN or EHC plan is shared and understood by teachers?

When a child joins our school, transition meetings take place between our school and the previous school to ensure that we have a clear picture of your child’s needs. Any information will be passed on including any SEN or EHC plans. These plans are then shared with the new teacher and all relevant staff who work with the child including teaching assistants, the intervention team and the pastoral team. If the needs include medical or behaviour, emotional or social needs then the plans may also be shared with additional staff such as midday supervisors to ensure that all adults working with your child are aware of their needs.


Regular meetings are held (PSM meetings) to ensure that everyone is aware of updates or changes to a pupils needs.


For a child with an EHC plan, review meetings will be held annually to review the outcomes. These meetings will involve all professionals working with your child together with parents and the children themselves.


When a child moves onto Secondary School, we have close links with all neighbouring secondary schools and we meet with new teachers and / or the SENDCo to share all information about the child.