Who will be talking to and keeping in touch with the parent/carer?
The class teacher will be the main point of contact for parents. Through the Structured Conversations, the class teacher and parents will work together to share outcomes and how they can be achieved and also to review the progress made by the child during the school year. The child’s special educational needs will also be discussed and any support or intervention which is in place will be shared. These meetings take place 3 times per year, during the autumn, spring and summer terms.
Ongoing assessment of pupil progress takes place throughout the year using a variety of methods including:
• Standardised tests such as reading age, spelling age and Cognitive Ability Tests
• Assessment of achievement through the use of APP (Assessing Pupil Progress) grids in reading, writing and maths
• Assessment tasks linked to specific interventions such as placement tests in Phonics
• Boxall profile to measure progress in behaviour, emotional and social needs
This provides us with a picture of the child’s starting point and also information on the progress that the child is making throughout the year. When a child takes part in an intervention, assessment data is obtained prior to the start of the intervention and also at the end of the intervention to show progress made. This enables us to measure the outcomes for the child and also to evaluate the impact of the support provided to the child and whether an intervention has been successful. It also allows us to plan the next steps for the child in terms of support or intervention needed during the Progress and Support Meetings. This progress will be shared with parents / carers during the Structured Conversations.
This will also be discussed with the child by the most appropriate adult who works with the child, usually the class teacher or the teaching assistant. The child is always involved in their target setting and review and through ongoing feedback they will be aware of the progress that they are making and also what they need to do to move forward in their learning.
‘Looked After Children’ also have a designated teacher (Mrs. Brunsdon) and a designated governor. Mrs. Brunsdon will be involved with keeping in touch with the child’s parent / carer. A Personal Education Plan (PEP) will be drawn up for all Looked After Children which identifies outcomes for the child and details of how these will be achieved. This plan is devised by everyone involved with the child and ensures that the child’s voice is at the heart of the plan. The designated teacher will have a responsibility to review the outcomes at key points of the year.
If a child has a designated keyworker they will also meet with parents / carers to gather and share information regarding the needs of child.