Through our daily assemblies; we encourage respect, democracy, understanding and tolerance. We share, reflect upon and celebrate our learning in other curriculum areas (including RE and PHSCE). We also focus on our SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) learning including our school and British values.
Focus Values:
Each half term the assemblies focus on particular values or skills:
Term 1 – Values focus on Effort, Respect and Tolerance
Term 2 – Values focus on Responsibility, Liberty, Rule of Law and Honesty
Term 3 – Values focus on Respect, Effort and Tolerance
Term 4 – Values focus on Fairness, Service and Honesty
Term 5 – Values focus on Service, Tolerance and Effort
Term 6 – Values focus on Respect, Changes/Transitions and Service
Other Assemblies:
Religious Festivals and other Celebrations
To further our learning from our RE lessons, in assemblies we share stories from a range of religions and link these to the main festivals and religious celebrations. Such as: Eid, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Palm Sunday, St George’s Day and Ramadan. These festivals have been chosen as they are the ones most common within the local community. We also mark other celebrations or events such as: Remembrance Sunday or Roald Dahl day.
‘Great’ Assemblies
During assembly times we discover a range of ‘great’ people or events to develop our learning of the past as well as the wider world and role models from today. We are able link these ‘greats’ to our learning on British values such as democracy or tolerance and our school values such as perseverance or service. Each year we look at: Great…..Scientists, Battles, Explorers, Composers, Authors, Leaders, Musicians, Inventors, Champions, Designers, Britons and Inspirations!
The News
Through the week the children watch espresso news and/or Newsround and subsequently take part in a discussion surrounding current affairs, local, national and international issues.
Through the week the children also come together to listen to and critique as well as perform and express themselves through music.
Throughout the year we may have special visitors come and lead assemblies such as visits from the police or the library service.
TJS Celebration and Child of the Week
Every Friday a child from each class is selected by their teacher to receive special recognition of something fantastic they have done that week. We share this and come together to celebrate their success. Children that have achievements outside of school are also invited to share them during this assembly.