
This is an overview of the main elements of English provision at Tredworth Junior School.

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How is English taught at Tredworth Junior School?

English, reading and writing, are taught through meaningful and effective contexts using a range of approaches.


We teach English as whole class lessons, so that all children have access to the age-related skills and knowledge contained in the National Curriculum.


Within lessons teachers and teaching assistants target support for all pupils, and particularly those not working at age related expectations, to enable them to catch up where possible.


How does Tredworth Junior School specifically teach writing?

All pupils are given opportunities to extend their written work to show greater control in their writing. They are encouraged to develop an understanding of the effect that their writing has on the reader by developing a focus on higher level vocabulary and grammatical features.


Each year group have a yearly overview of the writing genres, narrative, non-fiction and poetry, that they will teach. This ensures coverage of the key genres as well as building on skills from year to year.


Units will typically take between two and four weeks to complete, with the outcome of each unit being used to assess the pupil’s skills against the agreed age-related standards/key performance indicators.


Each narrative unit is linked to a chosen text which is specifically targeted. This serves as a stimulus to teach the identified word, text and sentence level features that pupils will be required to include in their extended writing outcome for that unit of study.


Modelling of texts is a key feature of lessons. This is typically based on the initial stimulus and supports pupils in identifying, utilising and adapting key features in their own writing.


Non-fiction units are also taught through texts that may be based on an initial stimulus or may be related to another curriculum area.


Teaching approaches to help develop children’s writing include:

  • Text immersion activities
  • Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation activities
  • Opportunities for oral rehearsal of sentences and texts
  • Modelled, shared, pairing and guided writing opportunities
  • Independent writing opportunities
  • Peer and self-assessment opportunities


How is grammar, punctuation and spelling embedded within the teaching of writing at Tredworth Junior School?

Teachers identify the required skills through the genres of writing that they are teaching, to ensure that these skills are driven by context. There is a deliberate curriculum overview for GPS coverage by year group.

Specific grammatical and punctuation content of the exemplar text are identified and taught within spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons, so that the children practise and learn the contextualised skills required to apply it into their planning and writing. 


If necessary, we recognise that progression in grammar and punctuation is not obviously linear and concepts need to be re-visited and built upon. In this instance, skills may be taught discretely. Some grammar and punctuation skills will be taught as stand-alone lessons, to embed and develop understanding or to consolidate skills.


Spellings are taught within discrete lessons for a minimum of 60 minutes weekly with a focus upon understanding, alongside phonics.


How do we encourage good handwriting at Tredworth Junior School?

We are currently introducing the “Letter Join” scheme to promote a consistent cursive style throughout the school.


How does Tredworth Junior School specifically teach reading?

Each class uses a class novel, linked to the year, theme or key questions.


Children are taught to read and comprehend (reading for meaning) through;

  • Independent reading and tasks
  • Guided reading, either focused or whole class
  • Whole class shared reading and comprehension lessons
  • Sharing of high quality texts linked to our theme
  • Opportunities to read independently every day
  • Children read to an adult every week within the classroom
  • Children who do not read at home are identified and are listened to by an adult in school more frequently


Children who enter the school with gaps in their phonics knowledge are given extra opportunities through additional phonics lessons and interventions.


Pupils who did not pass their Phonics Screening Test continue to receive intervention to support the acquisition of these key skills.

Tredworth Junior School Approach to Reading

Progression of Elements of Good Writing

Shining the Spotlight on Tredworth Junior School's Approach to Reading Fluency