Pupil Premium Strategy Document 2019/2020 Evaluated
Tredworth Junior School
Pupil Premium Strategy Document 2019/2020
For the year 2019/20 Tredworth Junior School has been allocated £198,980 for children entitled to pupil premium funding. An additional £41,390 is carried forward from 2018/19.
Summary of main barriers to learning for children eligible for Pupil Premium | We consider the context of our school and the subsequent challenges faced. Our pupil premium will be allocated following analysis of current needs which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Our barriers include:-
Initiatives in 2019/20 | Allocation £ | Objectives | Evaluation |
Staffing cost Intervention | £71,809 | To support children with barriers to learning. Provide quality intervention, 1:1 or within a small group to accelerate progress and close gaps. Personalise provision through identification of need and tailoring intervention to address identified outcomes. Delivery of the Rapid family of interventions to accelerate progress including Phonics, Maths, Reading and Writing across the key stage. | Interventions have taken place targeted according to pupil assessment data and through the Progress and support programme coordinated by the SENDCo and interventions team.
Intervention has been delivered throughout school closure within school for attending and remote education has been tailored by the team for individuals and supported by them. |
Pastoral support - Children and Families | £23,947 | Continue the multi-agency approach to working with children and their families. To provide targeted focus work with families to enable them to support their children's learning and well-being. To ensure that there is an integrated and systematic pastoral support process for pupils through the work of the Pastoral Lead. To provide parenting support, signposting and practical links between the parents, children, school and other agency involvement. To contribute pastoral information towards termly pupil progress meetings. | Pastoral support has been effectively provided for all pupils and intervention provided for pupils and families.
The role of the pastoral team has proved significant in ensuring pupil and families' needs have been addressed and supported during school closures, with the school acting as Lead Professionals in supporting vulnerable pupils. Pupil and family pastoral needs are communicated effectively to ensure a whole child picture is considered in terms of pupil progress and support in school. |
Health and well-being | £53,857 | A co-ordinated approach to identification and delivery of health and well-being interventions (health and well-being lead). Deliver targeted interventions to address mental health education, health and nutrition education. Delvelop a menu of activity to support pupils' self-esteem, social skills and resilience (HLTAs). Deliver a mental health curriculum to all pupils and monitor pupil response. Continue to evaluate the impact of the wellbeing curriculum and its impact for pupils. | Health and Wellbeing Education has been at the forefront of pupils learning within classroom. It has been successfully adapted to meet pupil needs in and out of school and has evolved to ensure all teachers are trained in its delivery. Identification of pupils requiring intervention is effective and trained staff are able to deliver targeted working to pupils. The Health and wellbeing Team have re worked the curriculum to reflect the effect of COVID on pupils' mental health needs. |
SEND and EAL | £23,948 | To provide a co-ordinated approach to identification and assessment of intervention. To support SENDCo in effective delivery and monitoring of SEND pupils to ensure effectiveness of additional support. Identify EAL pupils' learning stage and plan appropriate provision to accelerate language acquisition and learning. To provide staff training opportunities to meet needs of SEND and EAL pupils within the classroom. | All provision has been planned based on assessment and delivered in line with the plan where possible. SEND pupils and parents have been supported with home learning programmes where required and staff have ensured statutory obligations have been met. |
Reduced Class size | £37,806 | To maintain the current 12 class system ensuring better pupil access to Teacher and Teaching Assistant support. Continue to focus upon immediate feedback to impact on pupil progress. | Additional class created reducing pupil numbers and allowing more access to adults during learning. |
Parental Engagement | £1,445 | To provide opportunities for parents to hold in-depth learning reviews. To set agreed outcomes as a collaborative approach between pupils, parents and teachers with appropriate review points. To enable parents and pupils to have a clear picture of the progress being made and allow them to contribute their views and aspirations. To allow parents the opportunity to share their experience and any additional needs they or their family may require support with. | Parental engagement level have remained high and have been prioritised through regular interaction between teachers and parents. Learning and home learning have been supported by regular interaction including via email, phone contact and reciprocal messaging. For parents of SEND pupils all review processes have been followed. |
Additional Opportunities | £2,847 | To identify additional opportunities to maximise wider outcomes for pupils. To monitor pupil engagement and ensure pupils are targeted for wider opportunities. To create a varied menu of opportunities utilising pupil feedback. To identify pupils whose attainment is good and who have no additional needs and ensure they have opportunities to develop their wider skill set and experiences utilising their personal pupil premium plan. | Future priority detailed in recovery plan. |
Staff Training | £3,330 | To ensure there is a flexible training budget that allows for professional training for all staff to meet specific needs of groups of or individual pupils. Utilise Educational Psychology Service training opportunities for all staff to develop staff knowledge and understanding of strategies to support effective learning in the classroom. | Staff training has been ongoing and where training is identified it has been sourced for individuals or all staff as required. Educational psychology service Emotion Coaching training provided for all staff. |
Technology | £3,370 | To ensure that there is a range of appropriate technology resources to support learning in intervention groups. Ensure that 1:1 and small groups have appropriate devices to access online learning resources to address their identified learning programmes. | New technology resources purchased and in use for pupil learning in intervention groups alongside online learning resources. |
Resources | £4,338 | Ensure a flexible resources budget is available to add additional learning resources and replenish existing resources so that all pupils requiring intervention have up to date materials. | Resources are purchased as required to meet individual pupil or group needs. |
Total allocated: £226,697 |
Total left to allocate: £13,673 |
Total: £240,370 |
Report written: September 2019
To be reviewed by: Interim review Nov 2019
Review completed: March 2021