What measures are in place in our school to prevent bullying?
Many of our staff have been trained in Anti-Bullying for SEND children. This was an initiative delivered by the Achievement for All charity and increased everyone’s awareness of the issues of the bullying and the impact that it can have on a child with SEND. The training also presented to staff a range of fantastic resources which class teachers and teaching assistants can now use in class with the aim of reducing the incidence of bullying and also to have strategies in place for dealing with bullying when it does occur.
As a school, we also have an Anti-bullying week during which the issues of bullying are explored and the impact on others discussed. Anti-bullying also forms a main focus of our school assemblies and PSHCE lessons. Children are all aware of the systems in place for reporting incidents of bullying and reports are always followed up by the class teacher or the Senior Management Team. Incidents of bullying are recorded to ensure careful monitoring of the situation.