Early Support

Tredworth Junior School Offer of Early Help


Tredworth Junior School are part of the Early Help Partnership.  Early help is about children, young people and families getting the right help at the right time.


All children receive Universal Services however some children will need extra support in order to be healthy, safe and to achieve their full potential.


Early help is about identifying the right support for children, young people and their families as soon as problems emerge.  It is also about identifying support at all stages of a child's life; pre-birth, childhood and or adolescence.  The purpose of early help is to prevent issues and problems becoming serious and harmful to the child and their respective family and community.


Tredworth Junior School recognises the importance of identifying and providing Early Help to parents, carers or family members who are concerned about their child.


For parents the school is easily accessible which creates a convenient starting point if anyone has concerns to share about their child.  We work alongside and in partnership with other agencies including the Advisory Teaching Service, Educational Psychologist, School Nursing Team, CYPS, Charities, Children Centres, Young Carer’s, Families First Plus and Social Care.


Tredworth Junior School employ a Children and Families Worker who can offer targeted work with children as well as family support, advice and signposting.


Our School operates an open door policy where parents and carers are encouraged to approach the school at the earliest opportunity for support and advice.


All staff are available in a pastoral capacity should parents/carers have a concern.  The Children and Families Worker is trained and experienced in dealing with all aspects of family support.


Parents can either talk directly to their child’s Class Teacher or seek advice by requesting a telephone call or appointment with the Head Teacher, SENDCo or the Children and Families Worker.


Appointments can be made by contacting the School Office - 01452 – 524578.


When children and families need additional support, a timely, coordinated and multi-agency approach is usually best.  The school can organise meetings which are sometimes referred to as a Team Around the Family meeting (TAF).


Central to this approach would be an early assessment into a family’s circumstances and to nominate a Lead Professional.  This person can be chosen by the family or be appointed as the person with the greatest knowledge of the family.  They work closely with the child, family and other professionals to deliver and co-ordinate support.



Graduated early help and support involves; identification; assessment; planning; providing services and reviewing the needs of the child.  The SENDCo and Pastoral Team work closely together to ensure that school meets the needs of all pupils’ particularly young people and their families with additional needs, including those with SEN and Disabilities.


The implementation of the My Plan, My Assessment, My Plan+ and the Education, Health and Care Plan will provide a holistic approach to support families and young people with additional needs.


The SMSC (Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural) curriculum covers all aspects of keeping young people safe, healthy, resilient and aware of the world around them so they can make informed decisions.  Where pupils have specific issues regarding their well-being, school will design an individual programme to meet their needs.


The PINK curriculum is taught throughout the school and a tailored programme is delivered to each year group to look at issues around mental health, emotional well-being, healthy relationships and body image to name a few.


All classes have a Worry Box where pupils can insert their worry or name to allow them ‘time to talk’ with the Children and Families Worker.


E-Safety - On-Line safety is taught through ICT and across the broader curriculum.

E-safety is a key part of the ongoing curriculum.  NSPCC have delivered assemblies to all year groups and provided follow up workshops about keeping safe online.


Bullying - Tredworth Junior School is committed to tackling bullying.  We want to know immediately if there any issues with bullying at school so that they can be addressed.


Our school can also offer bespoke lessons on anti-bullying for anyone who has suffered bullying to encourage behaviours that might avert it in the future (e.g. assertiveness) or to boost self-esteem.  We have a series of teaching resources produced by the Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning Team (www.ghll.org.uk) to support this.  Education about bullying is an integral part of Tredworth Junior School’s Wellbeing programme.


Preventing Radicalisation: Tredworth Junior School teaches traditional British values through our school curriculum.  Democracy, rule of law, respect for others, liberty, tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and promotion of ‘Britishness’.


All of these values are reflected in our school values and discussed in class based and whole school assemblies.


Pupils need to understand that radicalisation can be a form of grooming online and understand the notion of propaganda.  They need to be taught to be discerning about what they read on the internet as the dangers of speaking to strangers online.




Let’s talk about it is an excellent website for parents.


While it remains very rare for school age children to become involved in extremist activity to the point of committing criminal acts, young people can be exposed to extremist influences or prejudiced views, including via the internet, from an early age.


As with other forms of criminality or risk of harm, early intervention is always preferable.


Support Services available in Gloucestershire