Complaints Policy



School Complaints Procedure


Approved by:Finance & Premises Committee
Last reviewed on:15 November 2024
Next review due by:December 2026



General Principles:


This procedure is intended to allow you to raise a concern or complaint relating to the school, or the services that it provides


An anonymous concern or complaint will not be investigated under this procedure, unless there are exceptional circumstances


To allow for a proper investigation, concerns or complaints should be brought to the attention of the school as soon as possible. In general, the school will not consider any complaint that was raised more than 3 months after the event


Raising a concern or complaint


Informal Stage (Stage1)


The majority of concerns will be dealt with informally when you make them known to us.

It is normally appropriate to communicate directly with the member of staff concerned. This may be by letter, by telephone or in person by appointment. Many concerns can be resolved by simple clarification or the provision of information and it is anticipated that most complaints will be resolved by this informal stage.


In the case of serious concerns, it may be appropriate to address them directly to the Head Teacher (or to the Chair of the Governing Body, if the complaint is about the Head Teacher).

If you are uncertain about whom to contact, please seek advice from the school office or the Clerk to the Governing Body.


If you are still dissatisfied following this informal approach, your concern will become a formal complaint and we will deal with it at the next stage.


The difference between a concern and a complaint:


A ‘concern’ may be defined as ‘an expression of worry or doubt over an issue considered to be important for which reassurances are sought’.

A complaint may be generally defined as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction however made, about actions taken or a lack of action’.

DfE, 2016.




Formal Stage (Stage 2)


If your concern is not resolved at the informal stage you must put the complaint in writing and pass it to the Head Teacher, (or to the Clerk to the Governing Body, for the attention of the Chair, if the complaint is about the Head Teacher) who will be responsible for ensuring that it is investigated appropriately. A Complaint Form is provided to help you.

You should include details that might help the investigation, such as names of potential witnesses, dates and times of events, and copies of relevant documents.


It is very important that you include a clear statement about what you hope might reasonably contribute to a resolution of the problem at this stage. Without this, it is much more difficult to proceed.


Please pass the completed form, in a sealed envelope to the Head teacher or to the Clerk to the Governing Body, as appropriate.


The Head Teacher (or Chair) may invite you to a meeting to discuss your complaint and to seek a resolution. If you accept that invitation, a friend may accompany you if you wish to help you in explaining the nature of your complaint.


It is possible that your complaint will be resolved through a meeting with the Head Teacher (or Chair). If not arrangements will be made for the matter to be referred to the Chair of Governors.

 In any case, you should learn in writing, usually within 5 days of the school receiving your formal complaint, of how the school intends to proceed.

This notification should include an indication of the anticipated timescale.


The Chair of Governors may invite you to a further meeting to discuss your complaint and to seek a resolution. Again, if you accept that invitation, a friend may accompany you to help you explain the nature of your complaint. In any case, you should learn in writing, usually within 5 working days of the Chair of Governors receiving your formal complaint, of the outcome.


If you are not satisfied with the way in which the process has been followed, you can request that the governing body reviews the process followed by the school in handling the complaint. You must make this request in writing to the clerk to the governing body, within 10 school days of receiving notice of the outcome, and include a statement specifying any perceived failures to follow the procedure. The procedure described below will be followed. A Review Request form is provided for your convenience.


Review Process (Stage 3)


A panel of three members of the governing body will conduct any review of the process followed by the school. This will usually take place within 10 school days of receipt of your request.


The governors on the review panel will normally consider written submissions, but will sympathetically consider any reasonable requests to make oral representations.


The panel will first receive written evidence from the complainant of perceived failures to follow the procedure.


The panel will then invite representatives of the school (Usually the Head Teacher or the Chair of the Governing Body panel that has considered the matter), as appropriate, to make a response to the complaint.


The panel may also have access to the records kept of the process followed.


You, and the school representatives, will be informed in writing of the outcome, usually within 5 school days of the panel meeting.


The matter will then be closed as far as the school is concerned.


If you believe that the Governing Body has acted illegally or arbitrarily in handling the complaint, then you may make representations to the Secretary of State for Education.



Tredworth Junior School

 School Complaint Form


   Please complete this form and return it to Head Teacher (or Clerk

 to the Governing Body), who will acknowledge its receipt and inform

 you of the next stage in the procedure.


Your name:




Your Address:






Daytime telephone number:



Evening telephone number:




Relationship with school e.g. parent of a child on the school’s roll


Child’s name (if relevant to your complaint ):



Please give concise details of your complaint, (including dates, names of witnesses etc), to allow the matter to be fully investigated:

You may continue on separate paper, or attach additional documents, if you wish.

Number of additional pages attached



What action, if any, have you already taken to try to resolve your complaint? (i.e. whom have you spoken with or written to and what was the outcome?)




What do you hope might reasonably contribute to a resolution of the problem at this stage?

















School use:

Received by:







Acknowledgement sent by:





Complaint referred to:
















