
The Tredworth Junior School Eco-Committee was set up in January 2018 and consists of 12 children from across all classes and year groups. They all have a passion to see the school become a greener and more eco-aware environment. The children are the driving force behind the committee and the ones who lead assemblies, meetings, ideas and actions points.


The Eco-Committee have joined the Eco Schools international programme which rewards schools for working hard on environmental topics to make the world a better place. Eco Schools is a recognised aware scheme that accredits schools who make a commitment to continuously improve their environmental performance. There are three levels of award; Bronze, Silver and the Green Flag. Tredworth Junior School is currently working towards the Bronze award for July 2018.

What We Are Doing To Help

Eco Committee Assembly - Our Only World

Mrs Boon from the charity ' Our Only World' has been working with the school eco committee to write a book about pollution in rivers: Yikesy Meets Gaia By The River. This is one in a series of books about water pollution and our Tredworth book is about the River Severn.  The children have worked hard on the illustrations and were proud to show the school their work in a recent assembly.. 

Eco-Committee Assembly

No Paper Day - Tuesday 3rd July

On Tuesday 3rd July Tredworth Junior School will be having a 'No Paper Day'. This means that all staff and children will be working for the day with no paper involved. This include workbooks, worksheets and handouts. Teacher's have been planning lots of creative lessons and the children are excited to find out what they will be doing for the day!


Daily waste generated from schools can vary a great deal, but common to each is the amount of paper that is discarded. The figure for this is approximately 45%, but add cardboard and it can be as high as 60%. This is not surprising as paper is such a useful, versatile and inexpensive material to use. Typically plain and lined paper are consumed most frequently in school, but the range includes backing paper, borders, paper for mounting work, paper towels, envelopes and a variety of other items.


A forest approximately the size of Wales is needed each year to meet the UK’s ever increasing demands for paper, with approximately each one of us requiring 4 trees annually to meet our needs. Add to this the transportation involved, along with the energy and water needed to turn the raw material into paper, and it can add up to a very large carbon footprint. Whilst schools make every effort to recycle as much of this paper as possible, there is a clear need to reduce paper consumption from the outset.

Severn Trent Assembly - October 2018


As part of our on-going efforts in becoming a more Eco-friendly school, Tredworth Junior school were visited by the education team at Severn Trent who gave a fun, interactive and informative assembly.


The assembly covered why water is such a precious resource, the importance of keeping ourselves hydrated and how to look after our sewers.


Each child was given a 'Promise card' to help them remember and follow the important messages about saving water. We hope you will join them in make our school, community and world a better place.