How does our school provide support to improve the emotional and social developments of our SEN pupils/students?
Our school Pastoral Team is at the heart of our school and all of our systems. They are involved in the Progress Support Meetings which not only focus on the academic needs of the pupils but also the emotional, social and mental health needs.
Weaving Wellbeing - This is our whole school approach to learning about wellbeing which helps children develop a set of skills and tools to become more resilient and happier in everyday life. Through each of the topics covered in the programme, we aim to support and improve children's social, emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing.
Provision is made for those pupils who require additional intervention to focus upon emotional and social needs for example the Social Skills groups, 'Feelings and Emotions' groups, interventions around management of feelings, sleep hygiene programmes, referral to 'Young Minds Matter - Trailblazers' and commissioning of 1:1 mentoring sessions.
All teaching staff have taken part in 'Emotion Coaching' training, led by an Educational Psychologist. This approach is used to support children in identifying, labelling and talking about their emotions and why they might be feeling this way. Displays are used in the classrooms to support the development of emotional literacy.
We recognise that Coronavirus has had a significant effect on children's lives over the past few years and that many children will have experienced some level of stress, anxiety, or isolation. We therefore understand the critical importance of focussing upon the emotional wellbeing for all pupils at this time.
Great consideration is also placed on meeting the needs of pupils at key points of transition particularly when moving onto Secondary School when we invite children and their parents / carers / family member to work with them on a transition project.