KS2 Results 2019
As SATS did not take place in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic, there are no 2020 KS2 results. Our most recent results are below.
KS2 Results 2019
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading 78%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading 24%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing 80%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment Writing 6%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in Mathematics 75%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Mathematics 20%
Pupils achieving the expected standard in EGPS 80%
Pupils achieving a high level of attainment in EGPS 38%
Average scaled scores
Reading 104
Writing NA
Mathematics 104
EGPS 107
Average progress scaled scores
Reading -1.2
Writing -1.8
Mathematics -2.5
Pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined 67%
Pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined 5%