October Half Term Free School Meal Vouchers - application deadline 11 October 2022.

This October half term, Gloucestershire County Council are providing vouchers to eligible families who have signed up to our Holiday Free School Meals (FSM) scheme.  The scheme is for children in reception to year 11 who receive benefits-related free school meals and attend a school in Gloucestershire. Families who have signed up to the scheme will receive £15 per child, for the week half term.


To find out more about the scheme and to apply, parents can visit our Holiday free school meal vouchers webpage https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/education-and-learning/school-transport-and-free-school-meals/meals-during-school-holidays/holiday-free-school-meal-vouchers/holiday-free-school-meal-vouchers/#main


Parents who have signed up previously do not need to re-register and will already have been included. If you have not signed up previously, please do so as soon as possible.  


For those parents who have already signed up, if more of their children have become entitled to free school meals since they applied, please contact Gloucestershire County Council at childrensfund@gloucestershire.gov.uk<mailto:childrensfund@gloucestershire.gov.uk  so that they can update your account, as this not an automatic process.


Applications for Holiday Free School Meal Vouchers for the October half term period are now open until 11 October 2022. Voucher emails will be sent out on 19 October.  Please also check your junk/spam email folders during this period as sometimes the vouchers end up there. If you have not received your vouchers by 19 October, please  get in contact by emailing childrensfund@gloucestershire.gov.uk<mailto:childrensfund@gloucestershire.gov.uk.